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Location:Home > Industry news > Common Problem > What role do electric temperature and humidity controllers play in high pressure equipment
What role do electric temperature and humidity controllers play in high pressure equipment
Time:2018/10/29 13:45:27      hit count:1060

Control and monitoring system of temperature and humidity controller in high pressure equipment

The temperature and humidity controller detection system can display the temperature data in the form of curve through the temperature and humidity display. Through the selection operation, multiple temperature curves can be added to display, and then the temperature data and temperature curves of all tested devices can be checked everywhere and at any time through the network, so as to timely analyze the operation of electrical equipment under its jurisdiction, so as to achieve the monitoring embodiment of temperature and humidity controller and temperature and humidity display.

High pressure equipment temperature and humidity controller use embodiment

For the use of temperature and humidity controller in high voltage equipment, it can be said that it is composed of wireless temperature transmitter, wireless receiver, RS485 network and remote monitoring system. The temperature data is transmitted via a wireless transmitter and then received and saved by a wireless receiver. When the operating temperature of the equipment exceeds the set temperature, an alarm will be sent in time, and the temperature and humidity controller will remind the operators to take appropriate measures as soon as possible to prevent accidents.

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